
Showing posts from August 24, 2020

FN: [[[CHEATING DEATH?]]] California’s high court overturns infamous wife-killer Scott Peterson’s date with executioner” ((lubuntu at wor3))

="">California's high court overturns infamous wife-killer Scott Peterson's date with executioner"

DB: Kellyanne Conway to step down as Trump counselor ((dailybriefing_____)) ((lubuntu at wor3))

President Trump's counselor leaving White House to focus on family; Fox News media analyst Howard Kurtz reports

nprnews_____ = ||| lubuntu at wor2|||Republicans Officially Nominate Trump At RNC||| kickerpage = |||no kicker pagenpr for NPRNEWS||| summarynpr = |||Trump arrived in Charlotte to fire up the couple hundred delegates gathered there to conduct the convention's official business. Vice President Pence also made an in-person appearance.

President Trump speaks to delegates at the Republican National Convention on Monday. Brendan Smialowski/AFP via Getty Images hide caption toggle caption Brendan Smialowski/AFP via Getty Images Republicans Officially Nominate Trump At RNC Trump arrived in Charlotte to fire up the couple hundred delegates gathered there to conduct the convention's official business. Vice President Pence also made an in-person appearance. 5 Questions Ahead Of The Republican National Convention Loading...

nprnews_____ = ||| lubuntu at wor3|||Republicans Officially Nominate Trump At RNC||| kickerpage = |||no kicker pagenpr for NPRNEWS||| summarynpr = |||Trump arrived in Charlotte to fire up the couple hundred delegates gathered there to conduct the convention's official business. Vice President Pence also made an in-person appearance.

President Trump speaks to delegates at the Republican National Convention on Monday. Brendan Smialowski/AFP via Getty Images hide caption toggle caption Brendan Smialowski/AFP via Getty Images Republicans Officially Nominate Trump At RNC Trump arrived in Charlotte to fire up the couple hundred delegates gathered there to conduct the convention's official business. Vice President Pence also made an in-person appearance. 5 Questions Ahead Of The Republican National Convention Loading...

nprnews_____ = ||| lubuntu at wor2|||Republicans Officially Nominate Trump As Party's Candidate For President||| kickerpage = |||no kicker pagenpr for NPRNEWS||| summarynpr = |||Trump arrived in Charlotte to fire up the couple hundred delegates gathered there to conduct the convention's official business. Vice President Pence also made an in-person appearance.

President Trump speaks to delegates at the Republican National Convention on Monday. Brendan Smialowski/AFP via Getty Images hide caption toggle caption Brendan Smialowski/AFP via Getty Images Republicans Officially Nominate Trump As Party's Candidate For President Trump arrived in Charlotte to fire up the couple hundred delegates gathered there to conduct the convention's official business. Vice President Pence also made an in-person appearance. 5 Questions Ahead Of The Republican National Convention Loading... ...

pbsnewhour__ = ||| lubuntu at wor2|||Scientists say Hong Kong man became infected with coronavirus a second time||| kickerpage = |||no kicker page for PBSNewhour

Health Aug 24 Scientists say Hong Kong man became infected with coronavirus a second time By Marilynn Marchione, AP Chief Medical Writer

OO: RNC kicks off with in-person audience in stark contrast with DNC ((outnumberedover___)) ((lubuntu at wor2))

Fox News contributor Richard Fowler weighs in on Republican National Convention decision on COVID-19 protocols, Trump's nomination acceptance speech

OO: RNC kicks off with in-person audience in stark contrast with DNC ((outnumberedover___)) ((lubuntu at wor3))

Fox News contributor Richard Fowler weighs in on Republican National Convention decision on COVID-19 protocols, Trump's nomination acceptance speech

CNN1: FOXVCNN=|Latest defections deal a personal blow to Trump| ((lubuntu at wor2))

|| screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-47" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_article_"> Latest defections deal a personal blow to Trump ||Latest defections deal a personal blow to Trump

CNN1: FOXVCNN=|Latest defections deal a personal blow to Trump| ((lubuntu at wor3))

|| screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-47" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_article_"> Latest defections deal a personal blow to Trump ||Latest defections deal a personal blow to Trump

CNN3: ['"}, "chartbeat":{"sections":""}, "branding_content_page":"cnn-dnc-live-blog", "branding_content_zone":["default"], "branding_content_container":["default", "cnn-money-markets", "space-and-science", "project-planet"], "branding_content_card":[""]} , edition: "domestic" , sourceId: "']BANNER=|pagerendered| ((lubuntu at wor2))

|| screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-47" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_"> DeJoy: 'No, I will not' put sorting machines back ||"},"chartbeat":{"sections":""},"branding_content_page":"cnn-dnc-live-blog","branding_content_zone":["default"],"branding_content_container":["default","cnn-money-markets","space-and-science","project-planet"],"branding_content_card":[""]} , edition: "domestic" , sourceId: "

pbsnewhour__ = ||| lubuntu at wor2|||Protesters march in Louisiana after police shoot, kill Black man||| kickerpage = |||no kicker page for PBSNewhour

Nation Aug 24 Protesters march in Louisiana after police shoot, kill Black man By Associated Press

nprnews_____ = ||| lubuntu at wor3|||President Trump Greets Delegates As Convention Opens In Charlotte||| kickerpage = |||no kicker pagenpr for NPRNEWS||| summarynpr = |||Trump arrived in Charlotte to fire up the couple hundred delegates gathered there to conduct the convention's official business. Vice President Pence also made an in-person appearance.

President Trump speaks as delegates gather during the first day of the Republican National Convention in Charlotte, N.C., on Monday. Chris Carolson/POOL/AFP via Getty Images hide caption toggle caption Chris Carolson/POOL/AFP via Getty Images President Trump Greets Delegates As Convention Opens In Charlotte Trump arrived in Charlotte to fire up the couple hundred delegates gathered there to conduct the convention's official business. Vice President Pence also made an in-person appearance. 5 Questions Ahead Of The Republican National Conventio...

nprnews_____ = ||| lubuntu at wor2|||President Trump Greets Delegates As Convention Opens In Charlotte||| kickerpage = |||no kicker pagenpr for NPRNEWS||| summarynpr = |||Trump arrived in Charlotte to fire up the couple hundred delegates gathered there to conduct the convention's official business. Vice President Pence also made an in-person appearance.

President Trump speaks as delegates gather during the first day of the Republican National Convention in Charlotte, N.C., on Monday. Chris Carolson/POOL/AFP via Getty Images hide caption toggle caption Chris Carolson/POOL/AFP via Getty Images President Trump Greets Delegates As Convention Opens In Charlotte Trump arrived in Charlotte to fire up the couple hundred delegates gathered there to conduct the convention's official business. Vice President Pence also made an in-person appearance. 5 Questions Ahead Of The Republican National Conventio...

OU: Faulkner: Trump wins on the economy but not COVID-19 ((outnumbered_______)) ((lubuntu at wor3))

Harris Faulkner weighs in on voter reaction to Trump's coronavirus response and the impact it could have on the election

OU: Faulkner: Trump wins on the economy but not COVID-19 ((outnumbered_______)) ((lubuntu at wor2))

Harris Faulkner weighs in on voter reaction to Trump's coronavirus response and the impact it could have on the election

pbsnewhour__ = ||| lubuntu at wor2|||Kellyanne Conway says she will leave White House by end of August||| kickerpage = |||no kicker page for PBSNewhour

Politics Aug 24 Kellyanne Conway says she will leave White House by end of August By Jonathan Lemire, Associated Press

OU: Vice President Pence, President Trump secure nominations from Republican Party ((outnumbered_______)) ((lubuntu at wor3))

Republican National Convention kicks off in Charlotte, North Carolina; reaction on 'Outnumbered.'

OU: Vice President Pence, President Trump secure nominations from Republican Party ((outnumbered_______)) ((lubuntu at wor2))

Republican National Convention kicks off in Charlotte, North Carolina; reaction on 'Outnumbered.'

pbsnewhour__ = ||| lubuntu at wor2|||Gulf Coast braces ahead of Tropical Storm Laura and Tropical Storm Marco||| kickerpage = |||no kicker page for PBSNewhour

Nation Aug 24 Gulf Coast braces ahead of Tropical Storm Laura and Tropical Storm Marco By Rebecca Santana, Seth Borenstein, Associated Press

FN: [[[UP IN FLAMES]]] Rioters torch WI car dealership after police-involved shooting of Black man ((lubuntu at wor3))

="">Rioters torch WI car dealership after police-involved shooting of Black man

FN: [[[UP IN FLAMES]]] Rioters torch WI car dealership after police-involved shooting of Black man ((lubuntu at wor2))

="">Rioters torch WI car dealership after police-involved shooting of Black man

FN: [[[UP IN FLAMES]]] Rioters torch WI car dealership after police involved shooting of Black man ((lubuntu at wor2))

="">Rioters torch WI car dealership after police involved shooting of Black man

FN: [[[UP IN FLAMES]]] Rioters torch WI car dealership after police involved shooting of Black man ((lubuntu at wor3))

="">Rioters torch WI car dealership after police involved shooting of Black man

pbsnewhour__ = ||| lubuntu at wor2|||Thousands allowed to bypass environmental rules in pandemic||| kickerpage = |||no kicker page for PBSNewhour

Nation Aug 24 Thousands allowed to bypass environmental rules in pandemic By Ellen Knickmeyer, Cathy Bussewitz, John Flesher, Matthew Brown, Michael Casey, Associated Press

CNN3: ['"}, "chartbeat":{"sections":""}, "branding_content_page":"cnn-dnc-live-blog", "branding_content_zone":["default"], "branding_content_container":["default", "cnn-money-markets", "space-and-science", "project-planet"], "branding_content_card":[""]} , edition: "domestic" , sourceId: "']BANNER=|pagerendered| ((lubuntu at wor2))

|| screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-47" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_"> DeJoy: 'No, I will not' put sorting machines back ||"},"chartbeat":{"sections":""},"branding_content_page":"cnn-dnc-live-blog","branding_content_zone":["default"],"branding_content_container":["default","cnn-money-markets","space-and-science","project-planet"],"branding_content_card":[""]} , edition: "domestic" , sourceId: "

CNN2: subjectpartBANNER=|="banner-text screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-47" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_">DeJoy: 'No, I will not' put sorting machines back| ((lubuntu at wor2)))

|| screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-47" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_"> DeJoy: 'No, I will not' put sorting machines back ||="banner-text screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-47" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_">DeJoy: 'No, I will not' put sorting machines back

CNN3: ['"}, "chartbeat":{"sections":""}, "branding_content_page":"cnn-dnc-live-blog", "branding_content_zone":["default"], "branding_content_container":["default", "cnn-money-markets", "space-and-science", "project-planet"], "branding_content_card":[""]} , edition: "domestic" , sourceId: "']BANNER=|pagerendered| ((lubuntu at wor3))

|| screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-47" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_"> DeJoy: 'No, I will not' put sorting machines back ||"},"chartbeat":{"sections":""},"branding_content_page":"cnn-dnc-live-blog","branding_content_zone":["default"],"branding_content_container":["default","cnn-money-markets","space-and-science","project-planet"],"branding_content_card":[""]} , edition: "domestic" , sourceId: "

CNN2: subjectpartBANNER=|="banner-text screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-47" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_">DeJoy: 'No, I will not' put sorting machines back| ((lubuntu at wor3)))

|| screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-47" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_"> DeJoy: 'No, I will not' put sorting machines back ||="banner-text screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-47" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_">DeJoy: 'No, I will not' put sorting machines back

CNN1: FOXVCNN=|DeJoy: 'No, I will not' put sorting machines back| ((lubuntu at wor3))

|| screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-47" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_"> DeJoy: 'No, I will not' put sorting machines back ||DeJoy: 'No, I will not' put sorting machines back

CNN3: ['"}, "chartbeat":{"sections":""}, "branding_content_page":"cnn-dnc-live-blog", "branding_content_zone":["default"], "branding_content_container":["default", "cnn-money-markets", "space-and-science", "project-planet"], "branding_content_card":[""]} , edition: "domestic" , sourceId: "']BANNER=|pagerendered| ((lubuntu at wor2))

|| screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-47" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_"> DeJoy: 'No, I will not' put sorting machines back ||"},"chartbeat":{"sections":""},"branding_content_page":"cnn-dnc-live-blog","branding_content_zone":["default"],"branding_content_container":["default","cnn-money-markets","space-and-science","project-planet"],"branding_content_card":[""]} , edition: "domestic" , sourceId: "

nprnews_____ = ||| lubuntu at wor3|||WATCH: GOP Delegates Hold An Old-Fashioned Roll Call||| kickerpage = |||no kicker pagenpr for NPRNEWS||| summarynpr = |||A few hundred Republican delegates are in Charlotte, N.C., to renominate President Trump and Vice President Pence as the party's presidential ticket on Day 1 of the RNC.

elections WATCH: GOP Delegates Hold An Old-Fashioned Roll Call A few hundred Republican delegates are in Charlotte, N.C., to renominate President Trump and Vice President Pence as the party's presidential ticket on Day 1 of the RNC. Hundreds Of GOP Delegates Journey To Charlotte Semi-Bubble For Scaled-Down Convention

CNN2: subjectpartBANNER=|="banner-text screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-47" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_">DeJoy: I'm not politicizing the postal service| ((lubuntu at wor2)))

|| screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-47" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_"> DeJoy: 'No, I will not' put sorting machines back ||="banner-text screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-47" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_">DeJoy: I'm not politicizing the postal service

CNN2: subjectpartBANNER=|="banner-text screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-47" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_">DeJoy: I'm not politicizing the postal service| ((lubuntu at wor3)))

|| screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-47" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_"> DeJoy: I'm not politicizing the postal service ||="banner-text screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-47" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_">DeJoy: I'm not politicizing the postal service

CNN3: ['"}, "chartbeat":{"sections":""}, "branding_content_page":"cnn-dnc-live-blog", "branding_content_zone":["default"], "branding_content_container":["default", "cnn-money-markets", "space-and-science", "project-planet"], "branding_content_card":[""]} , edition: "domestic" , sourceId: "']BANNER=|pagerendered| ((lubuntu at wor3))

|| screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-47" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_"> DeJoy: I'm not politicizing the postal service ||"},"chartbeat":{"sections":""},"branding_content_page":"cnn-dnc-live-blog","branding_content_zone":["default"],"branding_content_container":["default","cnn-money-markets","space-and-science","project-planet"],"branding_content_card":[""]} , edition: "domestic" , sourceId: "

nprnews_____ = ||| lubuntu at wor2|||WATCH: GOP Delegates Hold An Old-Fashioned Roll Call||| kickerpage = |||no kicker pagenpr for NPRNEWS||| summarynpr = |||A few hundred Republican delegates are in Charlotte, N.C., to renominate President Trump and Vice President Pence as the party's presidential ticket on Day 1 of the RNC.

elections WATCH: GOP Delegates Hold An Old-Fashioned Roll Call A few hundred Republican delegates are in Charlotte, N.C., to renominate President Trump and Vice President Pence as the party's presidential ticket on Day 1 of the RNC. Hundreds Of GOP Delegates Journey To Charlotte Semi-Bubble For Scaled-Down Convention

CNN1: FOXVCNN=|DeJoy: I'm not politicizing the postal service| ((lubuntu at wor3))

|| screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-47" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_"> DeJoy: I'm not politicizing the postal service ||DeJoy: I'm not politicizing the postal service

CNN2: subjectpartBANNER=|="banner-text screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-47" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_">DeJoy: 'No, I will not' put sorting machines back| ((lubuntu at wor3)))

|| screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-47" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_"> DeJoy: 'No, I will not' put sorting machines back ||="banner-text screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-47" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_">DeJoy: 'No, I will not' put sorting machines back

CNN3: ['"}, "chartbeat":{"sections":""}, "branding_content_page":"cnn-dnc-live-blog", "branding_content_zone":["default"], "branding_content_container":["default", "cnn-money-markets", "space-and-science", "project-planet"], "branding_content_card":[""]} , edition: "domestic" , sourceId: "']BANNER=|pagerendered| ((lubuntu at wor3))

|| screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-47" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_"> DeJoy: 'No, I will not' put sorting machines back ||"},"chartbeat":{"sections":""},"branding_content_page":"cnn-dnc-live-blog","branding_content_zone":["default"],"branding_content_container":["default","cnn-money-markets","space-and-science","project-planet"],"branding_content_card":[""]} , edition: "domestic" , sourceId: "

CNN3: ['"}, "chartbeat":{"sections":""}, "branding_content_page":"cnn-dnc-live-blog", "branding_content_zone":["default"], "branding_content_container":["default", "cnn-money-markets", "space-and-science", "project-planet"], "branding_content_card":[""]} , edition: "domestic" , sourceId: "']BANNER=|pagerendered| ((lubuntu at wor2))

|| screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-47" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_"> DeJoy: 'No, I will not' put sorting machines back ||"},"chartbeat":{"sections":""},"branding_content_page":"cnn-dnc-live-blog","branding_content_zone":["default"],"branding_content_container":["default","cnn-money-markets","space-and-science","project-planet"],"branding_content_card":[""]} , edition: "domestic" , sourceId: "

CNN2: subjectpartBANNER=|="banner-text screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-47" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_">DeJoy: 'No, I will not' put sorting machines back| ((lubuntu at wor2)))

|| screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-47" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_"> DeJoy: 'No, I will not' put sorting machines back ||="banner-text screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-47" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_">DeJoy: 'No, I will not' put sorting machines back

CNN3: ['"}, "chartbeat":{"sections":""}, "branding_content_page":"cnn-dnc-live-blog", "branding_content_zone":["default"], "branding_content_container":["default", "cnn-money-markets", "space-and-science", "project-planet"], "branding_content_card":[""]} , edition: "domestic" , sourceId: "']BANNER=|pagerendered| ((lubuntu at wor3))

|| screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-47" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_"> DeJoy: 'No, I will not' put sorting machines back ||"},"chartbeat":{"sections":""},"branding_content_page":"cnn-dnc-live-blog","branding_content_zone":["default"],"branding_content_container":["default","cnn-money-markets","space-and-science","project-planet"],"branding_content_card":[""]} , edition: "domestic" , sourceId: "

CNN1: FOXVCNN=|DeJoy: 'No, I will not' put sorting machines back| ((lubuntu at wor3))

|| screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-47" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_"> DeJoy: 'No, I will not' put sorting machines back ||DeJoy: 'No, I will not' put sorting machines back

CNN3: ['"}, "chartbeat":{"sections":""}, "branding_content_page":"cnn-dnc-live-blog", "branding_content_zone":["default"], "branding_content_container":["default", "cnn-money-markets", "space-and-science", "project-planet"], "branding_content_card":[""]} , edition: "domestic" , sourceId: "']BANNER=|pagerendered| ((lubuntu at wor3))

|| screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-47" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_"> DeJoy: I'm not politicizing the postal service ||"},"chartbeat":{"sections":""},"branding_content_page":"cnn-dnc-live-blog","branding_content_zone":["default"],"branding_content_container":["default","cnn-money-markets","space-and-science","project-planet"],"branding_content_card":[""]} , edition: "domestic" , sourceId: "

CNN1: FOXVCNN=|DeJoy: 'No, I will not' put sorting machines back| ((lubuntu at wor2))

|| screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-47" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_"> DeJoy: 'No, I will not' put sorting machines back ||DeJoy: 'No, I will not' put sorting machines back

CNN2: subjectpartBANNER=|="banner-text screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-47" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_">DeJoy: 'Outrageous' to ask if he handed bonuses for Trump donations| ((lubuntu at wor3)))

|| screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-47" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_"> DeJoy: I'm not politicizing the postal service ||="banner-text screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-47" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_">DeJoy: 'Outrageous' to ask if he handed bonuses for Trump donations

AN: Over two dozen GOP lawmakers launch 'Republicans for Biden' ((americasnewsroom__)) ((lubuntu at wor3))

Reaction and analysis from Fox News senior politics editor Chris Stirewalt

AN: Over two dozen GOP lawmakers launch 'Republicans for Biden' ((americasnewsroom__)) ((lubuntu at wor2))

Reaction and analysis from Fox News senior politics editor Chris Stirewalt

nprnews_____ = ||| lubuntu at wor2|||WATCH: GOP Renominates Trump In A Virtual Roll Call||| kickerpage = |||no kicker pagenpr for NPRNEWS||| summarynpr = |||A few hundred Republican delegates are in Charlotte, N.C., to renominate President Trump and Vice President Pence as the party's presidential ticket on Day 1 of the RNC.

elections WATCH: GOP Renominates Trump In A Virtual Roll Call A few hundred Republican delegates are in Charlotte, N.C., to renominate President Trump and Vice President Pence as the party's presidential ticket on Day 1 of the RNC. Hundreds Of GOP Delegates Journey To Charlotte Semi-Bubble For Scaled-Down Convention

nprnews_____ = ||| lubuntu at wor3|||WATCH: GOP Renominates Trump In A Virtual Roll Call||| kickerpage = |||no kicker pagenpr for NPRNEWS||| summarynpr = |||A few hundred Republican delegates are in Charlotte, N.C., to renominate President Trump and Vice President Pence as the party's presidential ticket on Day 1 of the RNC.

elections WATCH: GOP Renominates Trump In A Virtual Roll Call A few hundred Republican delegates are in Charlotte, N.C., to renominate President Trump and Vice President Pence as the party's presidential ticket on Day 1 of the RNC. Hundreds Of GOP Delegates Journey To Charlotte Semi-Bubble For Scaled-Down Convention

FF: Obama says goals of Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden aren't that different ((foxandfriends_____)) ((lubuntu at wor2))

Reaction from Fox News contributor Dan Bongino

FF: Obama says goals of Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden aren't that different ((foxandfriends_____)) ((lubuntu at wor3))

Reaction from Fox News contributor Dan Bongino

CNN2: subjectpartBANNER=|="banner-text screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-47" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_">DeJoy: I'm not politicizing the postal service| ((lubuntu at wor3)))

|| screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-47" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_"> DeJoy: I'm not politicizing the postal service ||="banner-text screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-47" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_">DeJoy: I'm not politicizing the postal service

CNN2: subjectpartBANNER=|="banner-text screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-47" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_">DeJoy: I'm not politicizing the postal service| ((lubuntu at wor2)))

|| screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-47" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_"> DeJoy: I'm not politicizing the postal service ||="banner-text screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-47" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_">DeJoy: I'm not politicizing the postal service

CNN3: ['"}, "chartbeat":{"sections":""}, "branding_content_page":"cnn-dnc-live-blog", "branding_content_zone":["default"], "branding_content_container":["default", "cnn-money-markets", "space-and-science", "project-planet"], "branding_content_card":[""]} , edition: "domestic" , sourceId: "']BANNER=|pagerendered| ((lubuntu at wor3))

|| screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-47" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_"> DeJoy: I'm not politicizing the postal service ||"},"chartbeat":{"sections":""},"branding_content_page":"cnn-dnc-live-blog","branding_content_zone":["default"],"branding_content_container":["default","cnn-money-markets","space-and-science","project-planet"],"branding_content_card":[""]} , edition: "domestic" , sourceId: "

CNN1: FOXVCNN=|DeJoy: I'm not politicizing the postal service| ((lubuntu at wor2))

|| screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-47" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_"> DeJoy: I'm not politicizing the postal service ||DeJoy: I'm not politicizing the postal service

CNN1: FOXVCNN=|DeJoy: I'm not politicizing the postal service| ((lubuntu at wor3))

|| screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-47" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_"> DeJoy: I'm not politicizing the postal service ||DeJoy: I'm not politicizing the postal service

pbsnewhour__ = ||| lubuntu at wor2|||Police in Belarus detain several opposition activists||| kickerpage = |||no kicker page for PBSNewhour

World Aug 24 Police in Belarus detain several opposition activists By Yuras Karmanau, Associated Press

AN: House Democrats to grill DeJoy on postal service and November election ((americasnewsroom__)) ((lubuntu at wor2))

Postmaster General testifies before House panel; Chad Pergram reports

AN: House Democrats to grill DeJoy on postal service and November election ((americasnewsroom__)) ((lubuntu at wor3))

Postmaster General testifies before House panel; Chad Pergram reports

AN: Rep. Scalise touts Trump's great economy and delivering on promises ((americasnewsroom__)) ((lubuntu at wor2))

House Minority Whip Steve Scalise on what to expect from the Republican National Convention

CNN3: ['"}, "chartbeat":{"sections":""}, "branding_content_page":"cnn-dnc-live-blog", "branding_content_zone":["default"], "branding_content_container":["default", "cnn-money-markets", "space-and-science", "project-planet"], "branding_content_card":[""]} , edition: "domestic" , sourceId: "']BANNER=|pagerendered| ((lubuntu at wor3))

|| screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-44" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_"> Postmaster general faces another grilling ||"},"chartbeat":{"sections":""},"branding_content_page":"cnn-dnc-live-blog","branding_content_zone":["default"],"branding_content_container":["default","cnn-money-markets","space-and-science","project-planet"],"branding_content_card":[""]} , edition: "domestic" , sourceId: "

AN: Rep. Scalise touts Trump's great economy and delivering on promises ((americasnewsroom__)) ((lubuntu at wor3))

House Minority Whip Steve Scalise on what to expect from the Republican National Convention

CNN3: ['"}, "chartbeat":{"sections":""}, "branding_content_page":"cnn-dnc-live-blog", "branding_content_zone":["default"], "branding_content_container":["default", "cnn-money-markets", "space-and-science", "project-planet"], "branding_content_card":[""]} , edition: "domestic" , sourceId: "']BANNER=|pagerendered| ((lubuntu at wor2))

|| screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-44" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_"> Postmaster general faces another grilling ||"},"chartbeat":{"sections":""},"branding_content_page":"cnn-dnc-live-blog","branding_content_zone":["default"],"branding_content_container":["default","cnn-money-markets","space-and-science","project-planet"],"branding_content_card":[""]} , edition: "domestic" , sourceId: "

CNN2: subjectpartBANNER=|="banner-text screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-44" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_">Postmaster general faces another grilling| ((lubuntu at wor2)))

|| screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-44" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_"> Postmaster general faces another grilling ||="banner-text screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-44" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_">Postmaster general faces another grilling

CNN2: subjectpartBANNER=|="banner-text screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-44" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_">Postmaster general faces another grilling| ((lubuntu at wor3)))

|| screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-44" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_"> Postmaster general faces another grilling ||="banner-text screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-44" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_">Postmaster general faces another grilling

CNN1: FOXVCNN=|Postmaster general faces another grilling| ((lubuntu at wor2))

|| screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-44" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_"> Postmaster general faces another grilling ||Postmaster general faces another grilling

CNN1: FOXVCNN=|Postmaster general faces another grilling| ((lubuntu at wor3))

|| screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-44" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_"> Postmaster general faces another grilling ||Postmaster general faces another grilling

AN: Kenosha, Wisconsin protests turn violent after police shoot Black man several times ((americasnewsroom__)) ((lubuntu at wor2))

Disturbing incident caught on camera; Mike Tobin reports

AN: Kenosha, Wisconsin protests turn violent after police shoot Black man several times ((americasnewsroom__)) ((lubuntu at wor3))

Disturbing incident caught on camera; Mike Tobin reports

CNN3: ['"}, "chartbeat":{"sections":""}, "branding_content_page":"cnn-dnc-live-blog", "branding_content_zone":["default"], "branding_content_container":["default", "cnn-money-markets", "space-and-science", "project-planet"], "branding_content_card":[""]} , edition: "domestic" , sourceId: "']BANNER=|pagerendered| ((lubuntu at wor3))

|| screaming-banner-text banner-text-size--char-44" data-analytics="_list-hierarchical-xs_hyperlink_"> Postmaster general grilled by House panel ||"},"chartbeat":{"sections":""},"branding_content_page":"cnn-dnc-live-blog","branding_content_zone":["default"],"branding_content_container":["default","cnn-money-markets","space-and-science","project-planet"],"branding_content_card":[""]} , edition: "domestic" , sourceId: "