newsmax_____ = ||| lubuntu at wor2 670N|||Trump Urges MLB Boycott After All-Star Game, Draft, Pulled||| kickerpage = |||no kicker pagenewsmax for newsmax
--> Trump Urges MLB Boycott After All-Star Game, Draft, Pulled "Baseball is already losing tremendous numbers of fans," Trump said in a statement. "Now they leave Atlanta with their All-Star Game because they are afraid of the Radical Left Democrats who do not want voter I.D., which is desperately needed, to have anything to do with our elections. <a id="p_lt_zoneContent_pageplaceholder_p_lt_TopCenter_repeater_Headline_repItems_ctl00_ctl00_CMSRepeater1_ctl00_ctl00_hlFullStory" class="linkFullStory" href="/newsfront/</div>