CNN: ":"\\u003cstrong>The President and attorney general spent the day articles of impeachment were unveiled deflecting facts and breathing life into conspiracy theories\\u003c/strong>","

" , title: "CNN - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos" , siblings: {"articleList":[{"uri":"/2019/12/11/politics/trump-impeachment-strategy/index.html","headline":"\\u003cstrong>The President and attorney general spent the day articles of impeachment were unveiled deflecting facts and breathing life into conspiracy theories\\u003c/strong>","thumbnail":"//","duration":"","description":"\\u003ca href=\\"\\" target=\\"_blank\\">Donald Trump\\u003c/a> is seeking to survive \\u003ca href=\\"\\" target=\\"_blank\\">impeachment\\u003c/a> the same way he built his powerful presidency -- by assaulting facts and seeking to expand the limitations of the office he is accused of abusing.","layout":""


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