CNN: ":"\u003cstrong>Schumer:\u003c/strong> 10 to 12 GOPers 'know in their hearts' witnesses should testify", " [lubuntu compaq1]

" , title: "CNN - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos" , siblings: {"articleList":[{"uri":"/2020/01/28/politics/chuck-schumer-republican-witnesses-documents-impeachment-cnntv/index.html","headline":"\u003cstrong>Schumer:\u003c/strong> 10 to 12 GOPers 'know in their hearts' witnesses should testify","thumbnail":"//","duration":"","description":"Senate Minority Leader \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Chuck Schumer\u003c/a> on Tuesday said there are 10 to 12 Senate Republicans \"who know in their hearts\" there should be witnesses and documents in President Donald Trump's Senate impeachment trial ahead of a\u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"> looming vote later this week. \u003c/a>","layout":""


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