CNN: ":"\u003cstrong>Despite coming in fifth in the preliminary Iowa Caucus results, the Minnesota senator says she continues to run a competitive campaign long after many wrote her off\u003c/strong>", " [lubuntu compaq1]

" , title: "CNN - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos" , siblings: {"articleList":[{"uri":"/politics/live-news/cnn-02-06-20/index.html","headline":"\u003cstrong>Despite coming in fifth in the preliminary Iowa Caucus results, the Minnesota senator says she continues to run a competitive campaign long after many wrote her off\u003c/strong>","thumbnail":"//","duration":"","description":"• \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Full Iowa caucuses results\u003c/a>\u003cbr />• \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">DNC chair calls for a recanvass in Iowa\u003c/a>\u003cbr />•\u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"> Opinion: NH primary is still up for grabs\u003c/a>\u003cbr />• \u003ca href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Prank callers and internet trolls sought to sow chaos on Iowa caucus night\u003c/a>","layout":""


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