nprnews_____ = ||| lubuntu at wor3|||Will This Be The Moment Of Reckoning On Race That Lasts?||| kickerpage = |||no kicker pagenpr for NPRNEWS||| summarynpr = |||Statues and flags may not do physical harm to anyone or suppress anyone's vote. But they meant something to the people who put them up, and they have meaning for people who see them today.

A statue of Confederate States President Jefferson Davis lies on the street after protesters pulled it down in Richmond, Va., on Wednesday.

Parker Michels-Boyce/AFP via Getty Images

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Parker Michels-Boyce/AFP via Getty Images

Will This Be The Moment Of Reckoning On Race That Lasts?

Statues and flags may not do physical harm to anyone or suppress anyone's vote. But they meant something to the people who put them up, and they have meaning for people who see them today.
