nprnews_____ = ||| lubuntu at wor1 38Z1|||Pharmacist Arrested, Accused Of Destroying More Than 500 Moderna Vaccine Doses||| kickerpage = |||no kicker pagenpr for NPRNEWS||| summarynpr = |||The now-fired hospital employee later said he knew "that people who received the vaccinations would think they had been vaccinated against the virus when in fact they were not, " investigators said.

Grafton, Wis., police officials said the now-fired pharmacist admitted he removed the vials of the Moderna vaccine from refrigeration to render them useless.

Elise Amendola/AP

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Elise Amendola/AP

Pharmacist Arrested, Accused Of Destroying More Than 500 Moderna Vaccine Doses

The now-fired hospital employee later said he knew "that people who received the vaccinations would think they had been vaccinated against the virus when in fact they were not," investigators said.