nprnews_____ = ||| lubuntu at wor3 89S7|||A Story Of Youth, Hope And Loss — And The Mystery Of COVID-19||| kickerpage = |||no kicker pagenpr for NPRNEWS||| summarynpr = |||Audrey and Kelsey Ellis, twins born exactly 10 minutes apart, always made sure to spend their birthday together. Last year, on their 29th birthday, the celebration would be overwhelmed by illness.

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A Story Of Youth, Hope And Loss — And The Mystery Of COVID-19

Audrey, right, and Kelsey Ellis were twin sisters born March 17, 1991, in California. To celebrate their 29th birthday, they drove to Multnomah Falls outside of Portland, Ore. That evening, Audrey was incorrectly diagnosed with pneumonia. She died of multiple organ failure five days after.

Kelsey Ellis

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Kelsey Ellis

A Story Of Youth, Hope And Loss — And The Mystery Of COVID-19

Audrey and Kelsey Ellis, twins born exactly 10 minutes apart, always made sure to spend their birthday together. Last year, on their 29th birthday, the celebration would be overwhelmed by illness.