newsmax_____ = ||| lubuntu at wor2 670N|||Lawmakers Fear Biden's Afghanistan Exit Is Leaving Women There to a Dark Fate||| kickerpage = |||no kicker pagenewsmax for newsmax
Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, Democrat of New Hampshire, talks about women in Afghanistan, including the seven pictured women who were killed in Afghanistan, as she questions Zalmay Khalilzad, special envoy for Afghanistan Reconciliation, while he testifies before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Tuesday. (Susan Walsh-Pool/Getty Images)
Both Republicans and Democrats said they
Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, Democrat of New Hampshire, talks about women in Afghanistan, including the seven pictured women who were killed in Afghanistan, as she questions Zalmay Khalilzad, special envoy for Afghanistan Reconciliation, while he testifies before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Tuesday. (Susan Walsh-Pool/Getty Images)
Both Republicans and Democrats said they
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