nprnews_____ = ||| lubuntu at wor2 670N|||Rural Communities Fall Farther Behind In COVID-19 Vaccination Rates||| kickerpage = |||no kicker pagenpr for NPRNEWS||| summarynpr = |||Cities are leaving rural areas behind in the race to vaccinate against COVID-19, but some states' suburbs are struggling, too. To close the gap, experts say, outreach needs to be hyperlocal.

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Rural Communities Fall Farther Behind In COVID-19 Vaccination Rates

Poverty and disability are linked to lower vaccination rates in some rural communities. The Vaccination Transportation Initiative sponsored van helps rural residents get the COVID-19 vaccine in rural Mississippi. The effort works to overcome the lack of transportation and access to technology for rural residents.

Rory Doyle/Bloomberg via Getty Images

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Rory Doyle/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Rural Communities Fall Farther Behind In COVID-19 Vaccination Rates

Cities are leaving rural areas behind in the race to vaccinate against COVID-19, but some states' suburbs are struggling, too. To close the gap, experts say, outreach needs to be hyperlocal.